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The Village has developed a comprehensive Emergency Plan to assist staff, emergency personnel and residents in the event of a disaster. It is the intent of the Village to share this Emergency Plan with residents in the hope that everyone will be better prepared in the event of a disaster.  There will be a special Emergency Warning Siren that will be used to notify residents of a possible disaster or evacuation.  This siren will be tested monthly to ensure correct operation.  With the assistance of the Plan, the emergency will be managed in an organized fashion and will keep the public abreast of important information and instructions.  The emergency management staff is always looking for volunteers to fill various capacities.  If you are interested in volunterring, please contact the Village Office. It is the Village's hope that the Emergency Plan will never need to be implemented, however, if it is, the Village will be prepared.  To download the Emergency Response Plan, simply click on the red emergency button.

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The Village of Chauvin has recently replaced the old air raid siren. The Chauvin Fire Department will be doing a test of the NEW Air Raid Siren, the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. starting on October 5, 2016. You will know it is a test as the siren will sound for only 1 minute.


Here is some more information about the Air Raid Siren:


If the siren sounds for 3 minutes, that will mean that you will need to "Shelter in place".

· Stay inside

· Close all windows and secure doors (locking provides a tighter seal)

· If there are gaps in windows or doors, seal with tape or damp towels

· Listen to the local radio or TV Station and follow instructions.

In the event of a disaster that may result in potential harm to the safety, health or welfare of people or with potentially widespread damage to property, the siren will sound for 5 minutes.  Did you know that if there was an Emergency and there was a need to leave your home, or if you were ordered to evacuate, the Repsol Community Centre is the Emergency Reception Centre. This is where you will be directed to go, unless otherwise notified by emergency press release or State of Emergency release.  If you decide to leave the community, it is very important that you stop at the Repsol Community Centre and register your name(s) so that the community and anyone else who may be concerned about you and your family will know that you are safe.  Any further questions or concerns regarding the Emergency Plan may be directed to the Village office by phone 780-858-3881 or email to: . The questions and answers will be researched and addressed in the next community newsletter.



 Village of

Contact Us

Village of Chauvin

Address​​​​​​: Box 160

Chauvin, Alberta T0B 0V0

Telephone: 1-780-858-3881


Office Hours:

Monday to Friday - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Closed Weekends & Statutory Holidays

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