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Payment for Village Services can be made in person at the Village Office during regular
business hours; internet banking or financial institutions.


Residential Natural Gas - $27.00 per month
Service charge plus gas consumption at current gas rate.


Residential Garbage - $31.00 per month
Collection day is every Friday and GFL garbage carts are used. Any garbage for pickup must be in this approved GFL garbage card and the lid must be fully closed and the cart be facing the correct direction on the curb in order to be collected. Any garbage bagged or loose, left out of the garbage cart will not be collected and will be the responsibility of the resident to dispose of this garbage. Garbage carts are to be removed from the street within 24 hours of collection. Garbage carts MUST be left at the curb no later that 7am Friday mornings. Residents are asked to contact the Village Office 780-858-3881 if there are any issues with pickup. 


Residential Water –  $30.00 per month
Includes a base amount of 20 m3 non cumulative, $1.55 per cubic meter over base amount.

The Village follows a watering schedule to ensure our water supply will be readily available in case of an emergency. Lawn/Garden watering is as follows: odd numbered houses can water on the odd calendar days and even numbered houses can be watered on even numbered days.  

Watering Times: 6:00am - 10:00am
                        5:00pm - 10:00pm


Infrastructure Fee:

$5.00 per month Water; $5.00 per month Sewer, $5.00 per month Gas


Sewer - $26.00 per month


Recycling - $6.50 per month
Pick up is every Thursday and residents are required to have all recycling in Blue Bags and placed at front of their property by 7am.
  Check the Landfill page for additional recycling information.

The Village Office offers the option of having your utility bills emailed to you.  Please contact our office to have this set up.


Late Payment on Utility Bills

If a utility bills is not paid by the due date on the utility bill, there will be a 5% penalty applied to the balance owing.


Outside Utility Companies


Visit to compare electricity and gas prices in the area, view historical rates, or get help resolving utility related issues.


You can also visit to review and compare electricity and natural gas retailers.




Natural Gas, Water, Sewer and Garbage - Village of Chauvin 780-858-3881

Village Foreman - 780-842-0076



  • Epcor 310-4300

  • Enmax 310-2010


Power Trouble - 1-800-332-1002


Alberta One Call - call before you dig, plant trees or build a deck in your yard 1-800-242-3447

Electricity - Fortis Alberta 310-WIRE(9473);






 Village of

Contact Us

Village of Chauvin

Address​​​​​​: Box 160

Chauvin, Alberta T0B 0V0

Telephone: 1-780-858-3881


Office Hours:

Monday to Friday - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Closed Weekends & Statutory Holidays

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